Thursday, June 23, 2011

Adding library in Ubuntu

Installing application in Ubuntu which doesn't come with .deb package is usually required more steps to make it work. When working with Teragrid, I need Globus Toolkit to connect to a cluster. After download and install required tools using

export GLOBUS_LOCATION=/path/to/install
make gsi-myproxy gsi-openssh

when I tried to run gsissh, I encounter " error while loading shared libraries: ". The problem is gsissh doesn't link to the installed libraries. We can look up required libraries for application by using

ldd /path/to/application

The is actually installed in the same location of Globus Toolkit, but Ubuntu doesn't automatically link it for us. So, we need to add libraries location to our system. Using command

sudo ldconfig /path/to/my/usr/local/lib/

[1] -

1 comment:

mac leasing said...

Ubuntu is designed primarily for use on personal computers. Ubuntu holds an estimated global usage of more than 12 million desktop users.