Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Disable Online User Notification in Pidgin

I admit that new notification system in Jaunty Jackalope is better and more user friendly. However, when it comes to IM, being distracted every time when contact becomes online is quite annoying. Notification system in Pidgin is plug-ins called 'Libnotify popups' and , luckily, developer provides user settings for it. To disable notification when your contact becomes online.

Pidgin Buddy Signs On Notification

  • Tool -> Plugins (Ctrl + U).
  • Select 'Libnotify popups' then Configure Plugin.
  • remove 'Buddy signs on' checkbox. Done.
Libnotify Popups Configuration


Anonymous said...

thank you! that was driving me nuts.

pfaffman said...

Thanks! You're the first Google hit for "ubuntu jaunty pidgin online notification disable." I didn't think to see whether this was a plugin.

Nuts, indeed, Anonymous.

Anonymous said...


If only the setting was more obvious to find...

Anonymous said...

Indeed, I would also like to say thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks you, that was very really annoying.

Bart said...

Thank you very much!

බුද්ධික said...

Thank a lot bro!!!
I hate it too

Anonymous said...

Thanks, man!
Quite annoying indeed.

khilbill said...

Thanks! Was driving me nuts too.

Quang Nguyen said...

Thank pro

It makes me crazy ...

Anonymous said...

My indebtedness to you can never be repaid. My sons and my son's sons will sing praises to you throughout history for your glorious deed.

Anonymous said...

sweet! that was annoying the crap out of me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks mate.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! You're the first google hit for 'pidgin disable login notifications' :)

There is no way of disabling it in any Pidgin screen itself, and it's terribly distracting!

Leozin said...

Lol thank you so much

I've spend a lot of time trying to find this

Brandon said...

Oh thank $#%#ing god! You win the internet.

Chopmo said...

Thanks! That option is *much* too hard to find...

Jeremymlad said...

Another person saying thanks. It was making me mental! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks buddy! I was scratching my balls

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!

brad said...

You seem to have a lot of gratitude for this. More coming from me. It was absurd that it was hidden away like that and a little difficult to find. Thanks SO much!!

bob floyd said...

Thanks, i was wondering if there was a way 2 start it minimized as well.

Anonymous said...

thankkkk youuuu!!!

CrazyKid said...

Thanks !! I couldnt see an option for it in prefrences n going nuts .

Josh M. McKee said...

Thanks for posting this!

satyadeep said...

thanks a lot dude
this was driving me very crazy

Giorgio said...

Thanks, it was useful on the desktop pc but on the netbook I don't want to clutter my small screen :)

kikito said...

you are the man. thanks.

Anonymous said...

That also was driving me nuts. Many thanks for the information.

Unknown said...

My god, I've been searching for this *everywhere*... thank you.

Anonymous said...

You: win
Settings UI in pidgin: fail

Anonymous said...


Andy Click said...

Thank you, that got really annoying!

Ian said...

+1 to all the other 'thank you's

Alfas said...

That was really hard to find. I can not believe they made such annoying feature default (well actually it is strange that it exist at all).

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip!
What made it worse was the floating notification would hide itself whenever you try to hover over it (with the intention of right-clicking to see if you could disable it there).

Anonymous said...

thank you! that was driving me fruit and nuts.

nitesh said...

Got helped

Anonymous said...

you rock

tapin13 said...


someday said...

Much obliged.

Ari said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks! It was driving me crazy...

Anonymous said...

unglaublich.... fast durchgedreht wegen diesem mist bei der arbeit -_-

Anonymous said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot!!!

Vijayan Srinivasan

Anonymous said...

Thanks, epic win!

Pravin said...


Anonymous said...

thanks a ton!! this was driving me crazy!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks a ton... this is the most irritating feature

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. It drove me nuts that I could not find a way to disable the buddy sign on messages - until now. Thanks!

Patrick L Archibald said...

Thanks. Much appreciated.

Deependra Solanky said...

Thanks a lot for posting this.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, pal

Anonymous said...

Thankyou very much

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Life saver.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for saving pidgin. It was really annoying!

computer tech support said...

Thanks Pal! Great post!

Stéphane Tanguy said...

Merci beaucoup !

jeteve said...

Thanks! Now I can work in peace :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot! Stupid that such a basic option needs so much diggin' 'round.

François Cassin said...

Thanks a lot !
This was indeed rather annoying.

Amol Sabale said...

wow....greate solution....its frushtrating getting notifications again and again for frineds onlin and offline coming and going......its a nice solution....happy new year

Amol said...

wow....greate solution....its frushtrating getting notifications again and again for frineds onlin and offline coming and going......its a nice solution....happy new year

Wim Deblauwe said...

Thanks! Just what I needed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You improved my life, sir.

Ventoh said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Submitted a bug report:

Amila Abeyrathne said...

Thanks a lot..

phartle said...

thanks! i totally never would've figured that out on my own.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information, this was getting quite annoying!

Anonymous said...

Thanks very much! Still working in 11.10.

Chea said...

Thank you!
I've just moved from Empathy to Pidgin and those bits were irritating the pants off of me!!!! This helps so much!

LG said...

Thanks, works like a charm

gaston said...

Thank you !!

Rogerborg said...

We from the Future thank you for your information. Why this is so well hidden or not mentioned in the Pidgin FAQ is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

ty dude!

Anonymous said...

Tks, really helpful

Anonymous said...

Just Another Excited "Thanks" Post.
And congrats, you're #1 for googling "pidgin disable online notifications".

Anonymous said...

Just Another Excited "Thanks" Post.
And congrats, you're #1 for googling "pidgin disable online notifications".

Will o gringo said...

Thanks... with many contacts the constant online notifications were a bit much, so is good to know there is an option to remove them from appearing every few seconds.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! that was pissing the hell out of me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a million!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks!! it worked


Anonymous said...

I knew it was some plugin config but was too lazy to look into it :)

Anonymous said...

It should be easier to do disable that ;)
Your tutorial helped a lot.

eu said...

tx a lot

Anonymous said...

Thankyou, that helps

Anonymous said...

i love you as i hate the notifications

LaKing said...

Ty for sharing, ..

Anonymous said...

thanks, this was driving me nuts too!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!

John Marques said...

Very thank you!
I was already freaking out.

Anonymous said...

thank you so much, but this needs to be in pidgin preferences....

Anonymous said...

thanks.. it worked

Karthikeyan C said...

Thanks for posting. Migrated from Ubuntu to Mint and this pop up was a disturbance. Disabled it :)

Anonymous said...

My today's hero!

Anonymous said...


Dr. Qazi Mamoon said...

I googled pidgin annoying.. I was trying to look everywhere in the settings, but failed to see there is a configure plugin option available.. Thanks :D

Michael P said...

thank you, thank you, thank you...

helped me with one of the biggest flaws of open source software:

the standard settings are made by some nerd programmers without the farsightedness to see what the options for the biggest audience are.

the same with ubuntu/unity

i only replaced unity with cinnamon because of the global menu bar and some trayicons not working anymore after deinstalling it.

MAKE IT USEABLE, GUYS. Every option for the biggest dissection of the people. and if you're not sure: take the less annoying option!

Another Fake User Name said...

Why the hell would this not be included in the standard preferences !!! Thanks for digging it up and telling people where this annoying little setting really is.

Neville Camilleri said...

Very helpful thanks!!

krozbonek said...

thanks a lot, its a bit pain to search it myself.

ravenpi said...

Thankyouthankyouthankyou... Not sure what the deal was, but every time there was a popup, it inhibited me from being able to type in Pidgin. And with hundreds of people on our Jabber system, I would sometimes be unable to type for 30+ seconds at a go -- a great way to make an IM session stilted and annoying for all parties.

Anonymous said...

Almost 4 years since this was first posted, and you are still a life saver! Put a flattr button on this page and you might be able to retire!

Anonymous said...


lunatic said...

Thank you! Useful post!

Anonymous said...

Hi. It's few years after and still useful, thank you! :)

R01 said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you sir, that notification system was driving me nuts.

Anonymous said...

thanks i hated the notifications soooooooooo damn much!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

one of those things about pidgin that irritates - another is that it brings the window to the fore on connection

good specific information here

Anonymous said...

thank you sooooo much

Anonymous said...

thank you soooo much

James Bradley said...

Another big THANK YOU for that tip, some on my buddy list seem to cycle on/offline every minute or two, and I was about to go postal. Again... THANKS!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! It was bugging me alot!

tao of badass said...

Indeed, I would also like to say thanks!

Renegade Diet said...

thank you! that was driving me nuts.

Unknown said...

Thank you!! :)

Anonymous said...

Pfew! It was really driving me nuts. Using Mint16, but same deal :)

Jeremy Person said...

Just wanted to take a moment to say thank you as well!

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Finally!! Thanks mate :)

Alexander Erben said...

Oh man, thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Tks a lot!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks dude. why is this not disabled by default -_- or at least in the preferences menu

Anonymous said...

Thanks! That should be disabled by default! Have 500 FB friends. They'd be really let down if I had a seizure because of one too many of those.

Unknown said...

Thanks! For some reason one of my contacts would pop-up three times when he logged in, which was sometimes a few times an hour -was driving me mad! :D

Anonymous said...

Google got me here for: pidgin disable message when someone becomes available

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot !!!! :D

Unknown said...

Cheers mate!

Anonymous said...

Thank god.

Rohit said...

Awesome! thanks

Anonymous said...

thanks mate

Anonymous said...

Just thanks. the notifications was so much annoying. Thanks a lot. it was drive me crazy.
-Arif [bangladesh]

Anonymous said...

funny this is still helping us in 2015 - thank you!

Anonymous said...

Very useful thank you !

Niels Huisman said...

THANK YOU!! That was driving me nuts!

Anonymous said...

and in 2016 :)

Anonymous said...

2016 here! thanks!

Anonymous said...

Lots of thanks, still required in nov2016.

Anonymous said...

Still 2017. Thxs!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Finally I don't have to watch those annoying popups just because someone reboots his/her computer.

Damn google captcha idiocy!!! Now I finally get to post, after selecting an uncountable number of motorcycles, bicycles, traffic lights, busses, store fronts, crosswalks and fire hydrants....

Anonymous said...

Even in 2020 this was helpful.